2008-11-06 バラク・オバマ当選指名受託演説 politics video The full text of Barack Obama's victory speech - Americas, World - The Independent 404 Blog Not Found:惰訳 - Barack Obama's acceptance speech in full BBC NEWS | Americas | US Elections 2008 | Full text: Obama's victory speech Full script of Obama's speech - CNN.com ベルリンでの演説。 Full Text: President-Elect Barack Obama, Victory Speech, Grant Park, Chicago | November 4, 2008 : Clips & Comment The text of Barack Obama's victory speech in full BARACK OBAMA SPEECH: Barack Obama's historic acceptance speech -- chicagotribune.com Full video and text: Barack Obama's victory speech - Times Online バラック・オバマ 情報ポータルサイト - バラックオバマ氏に関するニュース記事、ブログを紹介 barack obama fan site in JAPAN